Clone repo and Compilations

Library Dependencies

dyGiLa is developed upon few frameworks. There is framework providing mathematical objects, discretized spital grid and time points for lattice field theory support. And there is also framework providing data streaming in mean of parallel for post-hoc analysis and in-situ visualizing simulating data. The former is provided by HILA project, while the latter is project Ascent Make sure they have been compiled or installed in the proper way before going to next steps.

Getting Source and Compile

Same as most of FOSS project, dyGiLa is hosted on public source code repositories service providers such as Bitbucket, Github and GitLab.

$ git clone 


$ git clone

will fetch default branch to the current path under the folder dyGiLa. After this run

$ cd dyGiLa
$ make -j n ARCH=xxx-xxx

to compile the dyGiLa binary. Here n is thread numbers of parallel compilation, and ARCH=xxx-xxx specifies the architectures of hardwares, it could be

or for specific clusters:

If every goes well, user could find the linked binary executable dyGiLa under ./build folder.